Anti-Chevron Day Protest at Richmond Refinery
Date: May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021 is the 8th annual Global Anti-Chevron Day. Communities damaged by Chevron share their stories about the impact of the oil company’s environmental destruction and human rights violations in advance of Chevron’s annual shareholder’s meeting. XRSFBay plans to show up as allies at this action organized by Amazon Watch, APEN, and Idle No More SF Bay.
WHEN: Friday, May 21st, 12:00–1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Chevron Richmond Refinery,
Castro St. entrance – Street parking in Point Richmond (the other side of I-580); please allow up to 15 minutes to walk to the gate.
Plan to arrive early to help sketch and paint a street mural with nontoxic paint.
Background: For over a century Chevron has poisoned Richmond and other SF Bay Area residents with deadly air pollution from its Richmond refinery. Its influence over Richmond politics and nonprofits is legendary. Communities around the globe—Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Burma (Myanmar), to name just a few—suffer from deadly water, soil, and air pollution as well as inhumane working conditions and political interference. Chevron and its partner companies steadfastly deny any responsibility, in order to keep the oil and their profits flowing.
Stand with Richmond residents and all those affected by Chevron’s irresponsible and destructive business practices!
Participating Groups:
Amazon Watch
Communities for a Better Environment
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Idle No More SF Bay
Sunflower Alliance
350 Bay Area
Spread the word and RSVP here:
Paul Paz y Miño, Amazon Watch,
Janet S Johnson, Sunflower Alliance,
Extinction Rebellion is a 100% non-violent civil disobedience movement aimed at nothing less than radical system change. Our rebellion is fueled by our love for humanity and for all life on earth.