Youth vs Apocalypse & Earth Guardians: Defund Destruction

What: Youth vs Apocalypse and Earth Guardians “Defund Destruction” March When: March 26, 2021 5:00 PM Where: Golden Gate Bridge (meet at flagpole on the SF side)
From a YVA Facebook post:
Youth vs Apocalypse and Earth Guardians Bay Area recently learned that CA teachers retirement money is being given by CalSTRS to fund Line 3 where Indigenous communities are currently camping out in the snow to prevent the pipeline that will bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin! We will be doing a solidarity action on March 26th at 5pm at the Golden Gate Bridge and we would love your support. Most teachers don’t know there are over $6 BILLION investments like this and it is extra infierating because our teachers are working so hard, especially during this pandemic, and don’t want to fund destruction!
We will be asking State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, who is very progressive and also on the board of the teachers’ pension fund called CalSTRS, to join us in calling for CalSTRS to divest from fossil fuels and help #StopLine3.
RSVP here for more info :
XRSFBay has already signed on to support this youth-led action to help #DefundLine3, and we hope to see many of you out in SF this week!