Ally Event: Stop Dirty Banks Day Of Action

In dozens of cities across the US, everyday people took to the streets on March 21st to protest the “Dirty Four” banks that do the most to finance the climate crisis. In the Bay Area, local actions in Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and more preceded a big convergence at the Wells Fargo HQ in downtown San Francisco that afternoon. This was part of a campaign in part organized by senior-focused climate group Third Act.
A team of half a dozen people chained themselves to the front door of the Wells Fargo History Museum, shutting down business as usual. We painted a huge street mural featuring a design by Isaac Murdoch, listened to speakers clarify the stakes of what we are fighting for, and celebrated as several Wells Fargo cards were cut up in an act of personal divestment from dirty banking. The XRSFBay “Lamentors” made a somber appearance bringing grounded street theater to the evening.
This action was a collaboration between Third Act, Idle No More SF Bay, 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations, 350 Bay Area, Amazon Watch, Diablo Rising Tide, Extinction Rebellion SF Bay, Oil and Gas Action Network, and Silicon Valley Climate Action Now among others.
Big shout out to arts organizing maestro David Solnit, and everyone else who made the day happen.
#StopDirtyBanks #ActOnClimate #RevolutionOfTheHeart
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Photo Credits: Brooke Anderson, Jade Northrup, Leon Kunstenaar