Ally Action: No Dirty Deal @ Sen. Feinstein's Office

Over 50 protestors gathered at Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office on September 1 to protest the dirty pipeline deal negotiated by House and Senate leadership, which would fast-track fossil fuel projects such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Activists staged a sit-in inside the building to demand that Senator Feinstein, Speaker Pelosi and all members of Congress commit to stopping the shifty side deal to the Inflation Recovery Act that would perpetuate environmental racism and throw frontline communities under the bus. Six activists were arrested while awaiting commitment from the Senator to oppose any legislation that fast-tracks fossil fuel projects or strips away environmental protections.
Over 50 climate activists with 350 Bay Area, Ikiya Collective, Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area, Oil & Gas Action Network, Sunrise Bay Area, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations, Sunflower Alliance, Food & Water Watch, and the People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition demonstrated with banners, posters, and oil tanks to symbolize the destruction that would be caused if this dirty deal is introduced and allowed to pass in Congress.
This rally builds on mounting grassroots resistance and multiple protests across the country targeting Democratic leadership in opposition to this dirty deal. Over 650+ organizations from across the country have called on House and Senate leaders to stop this deal and end fossil fuel handouts.
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Credits: Rachel Ziegler, Norm Levin, David Solnit, Sara Greenwald, Jade Northrup.