Photo: Kevin N. Hume, S.F. Examiner

Twitter Instructions!

If you don't have a twitter, don't worry! If you do, follow on!

  1. Log in to your twitter account.
  2. If you see the tweet buttons below, skip this step. Otherwise, access this webpage in incognito mode on your browser. Or temporarily disable your tracking protection plugin (e.g. the Duck Duck Go chrome extension).
  3. Hit each tweet button in turn. You'll be directed to twitter. A tweet will autopopulate with text. It will contain a URL pointing to an image. Don't worry about the technicalities behind how the image will appear on Twitter -- we got you covered :)

Ahsha Safai

Dean Preston

Aaron Preskin

Connie Chan

Catherine Stefani

Gordon Mar

Matt Haney

Myrna Melgar

Rafael Mandelman

Hillary Ronen

Shamann Walton

For more past events please see our Facebook page.

Join Extinction Rebellion.
Rebel for life.

Extinction Rebellion is a 100% non-violent civil disobedience movement aimed at nothing less than radical system change. Our rebellion is fueled by our love for humanity and for all life on earth.